Fantom Price Today FTM Price Chart & Market Cap


A number of developments are thought to contribute to this exponential growth. There are currently 2.80B  FTM in circulating supply, while there Fantomcoin are exactly 3.18B tokens in max supply right now. The price of Fantom in the ICO was $ 0.04 and the token sale ended on Jun 16, 2018.


This means that the users will be able to use a more scalable option which aims to provide a faster and more secure database. All of the smart contracts that can be found on ETH are suitable with the Fantom’s Opera Chain. Fantom is a next-generation blockchain solution and acts as a blockchain 3.0 project. The team has announced Fantom to be the world’s first DAG based smart contract platform that solves the issues surrounding scalability and confirmation times that plague existing blockchain projects. Fantom is set to rival projects such as EOS and Zilliqa as a highly scalable, smart contract provider. Ethereum was the first cryptocurrency to offer smart contracts, but Fantom is not the only rival out there and others are now promising to do the same thing faster and cheaper.

How does Fantom work?

SpookySwap provides a platform where other projects on the Fantom network can easily list their tokens for trading and allows token holders to swap their assets for other assets. The network reaches a consensus when over two-third of the nodes (including the leader node) send in a uniform response (either approving or rejecting the block) and the transaction is validated. To speed up processing speed, the pBFT consensus algorithm removes malicious acting nodes, and the leader node is also removed if it acts maliciously.

Andre Cronje also reported the fund management strategies which include refuting some ‘extravagant’ spendings and cutting overall management costs. In contrast to the EVM, the Fantom Virtual Machine adopts a parallel transaction execution system. By this design, the total time taken to execute a batch of transactions is the sum of time taken to validate each transaction in the batch.

Fantom’s Gas Monetization and Gas Subsidies

BEETS can be traded on Beethoven X DEX, SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, BKEX, and several other exchanges. Fantom blockchain operates the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, therefore validators on the network are required to stake a certain amount of FTM coins to the network. Staked Fantom coins generate profits according to the specified annual percentage yield. Other investors who also wish to benefit from staking can also stake their FTM tokens to the network.

  • The EVM is a state machine that decodes changes in variables as instructed by pieces of code known as smart contracts.
  • Fantom is being traded on 78 cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and KuCoin.
  • The current yearly supply inflation rate is 0.69% meaning 19.14M FTM were created in the last year.
  • With a TVL (USD) of $32 billion and over 3,578 cryptocurrrencies, Ethereum is the most popular Layer 1 blockchain, followed by BNB Chain and Avalanche.
  • Fantom is an organization of blockchains which permits their clients to fabricate their blockchains adequately with speed and without scalability issues.
  • By design, 20% of the FTM paid as gas fee on the Fantom network is burnt, but the gas monetization program lowers this to 5% for reputable applications on the network and sends the saved gas fees to the project.

Geist provides a platform for asset owners to commit their dormant assets to a lending contract and allow borrowers to assume custody of these assets for a specified period. To borrow an asset, the borrower locks collateral to the contract and claims custody of the asset for the stated period. However, some aspects of the project require input from the general community in the form of approval votes. FTM holders can utilize their coins and contribute to the fate of the project by voting on improvement proposals. In addition to the distributed ledger, Fantom blockchain operates a state machine that transforms it into a computing platform. The state machine translates code bits into instructions that the network can understand and execute.

How does the price performance of Fantom compare against its peers?

Beethoven X flaunts a low-slippage exchange platform, customizable liquidity pools, and a gas-efficient decentralized exchange. It uses a vault system to manage liquidity across supported crypto assets. The vault system removes the need for segmented liquidity pools on the decentralized exchange. Supported assets use a generalized liquidity pool with every committed asset held in a single contract and swap requests served from this collective fund pool. According to Beethoven X, this design ensures that every asset has sufficient liquidity. SpookySwap is one of the largest decentralized exchanges on the Fantom network.

  • The Fantom team reports that it is dedicating 10% of the gas fees paid on the Fantom blockchain to the ecosystem vault.
  • The state machine translates code bits into instructions that the network can understand and execute.
  • With any investment, there is a risk that the value of your money could go down as well as up.
  • For a proposal to pass the community vote, at least 55% of the voters must vote in favor of the proposal and the total number of voters must be at least 55% of the total Fantom stakers.

It powers the core financial aspects of the Fantom project and to a large extent, the ecosystem as a whole. Thanks to the project’s rise to prominence, the Fantom coin has seen a rise in daily traded volume. You can store your coin on any of the trades you lean toward yet that can generally be unsafe in light of the fact that it is in the possession of an outsider. To store your FTM tokens a bit more secure you ought to get a protected and viable wallet. The most ideal alternative would be the Fantom Wallet which can be reached through their website. The wallet is promoted by the organization to be the most secure and option to keep your FTM as far as the Fantom ecosystem goes.


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